Entries by ABaker

The Internet of Things: Convenience vs. Risk

The Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere.  These convenient devices are in our homes and offices as well as in our pockets.  Along with the convenience they provide there are some security risks associated by using these devices.  There have been a number of known security breaches reported in the news regarding this topic, and […]

How to Tell a Client You Are Relocating Your Office

Making the decision to relocate your organization is the first step in the process of a very long list of to-do’s.  It is a complicated but rewarding process.  It will take careful planning to eliminate employee downtime and for you to minimize the impact on your business’ day-to-day operations. One of the crucial tasks involved […]

Manufacturing Organizations – A Prime Target for Malicious Cyber Attacks

On May 12th, 2017, a dangerous ransomware virus named WannaCry, infiltrated thousands of computers across the globe.  Ransomware worms its way into a network, encrypts files, and locks them down until a ransom is paid. The creators of WannaCry designed the ransomware to hold business data hostage until a ransom was paid. After 3 days, […]

National Clean Up Your Computer Day

Here’s a new ‘holiday’ we should all osbserve – it’s called National Clean Up Your Computer Day which is celebrated on the second Monday in February. Ok, you may be thinking, really?? Technology was designed to make our lives easier and more efficient, but it can only do that if it’s maintained. Files and programs […]

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday, February 6th is Safer Internet Day.  Being observed on the first Tuesday in February, what started out as a campaign to raise awareness about Internet safety is now celebrated in over 100 countries worldwide. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many of us will go online for gifts such as flowers, candy, cute […]

Time for a Server Refresh?

There is no crystal ball for an IT manager to look at to accurately predict when a server will need to be replaced, but there are some general guidelines you should observe to ensure that this critical piece of equipment is running properly. A server refresh cycle is the length of time that typically passes […]