Entries by 3mediaweb

Fireball – A New Malware Threat

A new malware has cropped up on the heels of “WannaCry”.  It is called “Fireball” and has been detected in more than 250 million computers and 20% of corporate networks across the globe.  According to security firm, Check Point, this malware originated in China, and is believed to be “possible the largest infection operation in […]

What you need to know about the “WannaCry” Attack

On Friday, we learned that hackers had exploited malicious software stolen from the National Security Agency (NSA) and held many organizations’ data ransom. As of this morning, it is estimated that this cyberattack was felt by approximately 200,000 organizations in 150 countries including Britain’s hospital network, Germany’s national railway, “computers that run factories, banks, government agencies and transport […]

What Can we Learn from the Netflix Leak?

Netflix was in the news recently for a mishap with its production company. A cybercriminal that goes by the name “thedarkoverlord” was able to breach postproduction company Larson Studios, and has claimed to have “stolen unreleased content from ABC, Fox, National Geographic and IFC.”1 After Netflix refused to pay the ransom, the cybercriminals released the […]

5 Steps to Avoid Ransomware

Coffee in hand, you’re preparing to read through your new emails as you start your day. You anticipate a productive day today. Yesterday you stayed 3 hours late to complete your big presentation, 2 days ahead of schedule, and you’re basking in the glow of the satisfaction of a difficult job well done and being […]

News, Events, and Promotions

Nicole Sawitz Has a New Title! Nicole Sawitz recently celebrated her first anniversary at Bryley Systems and earned a new title as Client Success Specialist. Nicole is a member of our business development team assisting clients by providing proposals and general business-development functions. Mrs. Sawitz has a BA from Goucher College and a Certificate for […]