Kristin Pryor

She loves what she’s doing
–Vice President Anna Darlagiannis-Livingstone describing Kristin Pryor

Kristin Pryor was recently named Vice President of IT Operations. Kristin joined Bryley Systems in 2019 as Director of Technical Services. An early sign of her executive aptitude was watching that whenever there was any kind of a break from dealing with the day-to-day demands of an IT department, Kristin would move into strategic mode, President Garin Livingstone said.

Kristin’s not afraid of taking on anything, Anna said. And she loves tech. She loves what she’s doing. And this comes through. She always makes herself available. She looks at things and asks, ‘how can we make this better?’ And also she points out when something is working well at one client and asks, ‘can we do the same thing for other clients, too?’

Garin said, one of the things she did was she saw how Bryley could execute a more-intuitive-for-our-clients hybrid-cloud network structure based on our recent transition to Datto-based backups. She’s responsible for observing what was going on in the businesses, having the vision of how things could be better and then Kristin did a great job bringing everyone on-board.

Garin continued that Kristin was hired to do a specific task. But she kept on taking on more and more responsibility. And she continued to make things better, improve things. So in about two years she proved herself not only to be a team player, but also to be an executive and we planned for how we were going to promote her.

Part of Kristin’s responsibilities include delegating tasks to the tech team. But this is nuanced, as explained by Garin: There’s a kind of push and pull in the process of the tech team accomplishing their tasks – she delegates, but also makes sure they have what they need. And if there’s something that happens at for example five o’clock and a shift is trying to get out the door, she’ll ask to see how the tasks can be handed-off, and she communicates what’s happening with the client. Her role on the team is often helping things to continuously move forward at a good pace.

Regarding being an executive, Garin considers Kristin’s voice at the Bryley round table invaluable, bringing experience in the tech world outside the IT-services industry in which Bryley operates. She’s proved herself. She figured out her place and took on more responsibilities and didn’t lose sight of her previous responsibilities. I like to say that we’re improving Bryley every day. Kristin’s been really helpful making that happen.