Corridor-9 Data Room Cleanup – Before and After

We recently teamed up with our long-term business partner, Communication Link Services Corporation of Natick, to update the data room at the Corridor-9 Chamber of Commerce.

The Corridor-9 Chamber of Commerce is a business-oriented, non-profit organization servicing Westborough and local communities. Bryley Systems is a long-term member who recently began supporting their IT infrastructure.

Their data room used to look like this:


Volunteer efforts to improve it over the years did not make much of a difference; cables were disarrayed, old equipment lingered, and the visual effect was negative.

We suggested a cleanup and offered to do it without charge. It did not take much urging, and the “after” picture shows the result:


Karen Chapman, President at the Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce, recently emailed: “Hi Gavin, Thank you so much to your team and Comlink for the outstanding job done.  It brings me great joy to walk into that room now!  Karen”.

Beauty, as always, is in the eyes of the beholder…