Andrew has become Bryley’s in-house resource on XDR (Extended Detection and Response) – a powerful tech that uses machine learning to watch over network behavior and can alert – and even fix – problems it finds.
We were able to rely on Andrew – soup-to-nuts – to create a procedure and install XDR for Bryley’s clients
–COO Anna Darlagiannis-Livingstone
Andrew has been named Senior Field Engineer. Andrew has embraced the role – he’s known here for always being hungry to learn something new. And even when the work is remote, being in the field can be equated to always something new: every day is different when supporting the breadth of Bryley clients – with their various networks, software and processes.
Prior to his time at Bryley, Andrew worked an IT help desk at a Westborough medical software developer. And before that he provided IT support at a video game developer. In 2020 he received a BS in Computer Science (3.94 GPA) from UMass Lowell.
Andrew has brought his Computer Science training to bear in his proficiency in scripting the past two-and-a-half years he’s been at Bryley. It makes Bryley more efficient for clients when he scripts an antivirus deployment, for example. Or as Anna said, there are just certain things you can’t readily see on a computer, like if it has an encryption license. We could look up a service ticket to see if a device is running with encryption. Andrew wrote a script that tells us immediately, giving us the information we need, to know how to support the machine.
Also we were able to rely on Andrew, Anna said, soup-to-nuts – to create a procedure and install XDR for Bryley’s clients. We’ve been having him add [Bryley partner] SentinelOne’s XDR to clients’ servers. Andrew poured himself into mastering the SentinelOne XDR tool, so clients could benefit as soon as possible. In its early deployment the XDR found and stopped an attempted criminal incursion because of logging network activity during non-business hours and from different parts of the world.
Andrew is a major player in Bryley’s multi-department R&D team to help find, vet and bring solutions to clients faster. He’s got all these sandboxes [test environments], Anna said, set up around him, so he can just try things, test things out, learn about different things. And he just always wants to learn and learn. He’s pretty funny, too. He’s got a great attitude that benefits us and clients. And we all really like Andrew.
Lawrence writes about networking and security. He’s written for Bryley since 2015.
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